Thank you for attending our session, "Analyzing Works of Art to Interpret Hard History" at the NCSS (National Council for the Social Studies) Conference in Nashville, TN. Our slidedeck appears below:
If you would like to create your own version of the worksheets, clicking on the links below will create a copy in Google docs:
- Alfredo Jaar, Life Magazine, April 19, 1968 (includes MLK photo analysis)
- Kerry James Marshall, Heirlooms and Accessories
You are welcome to make copies of the PowerPoint files, but be sure to download them first from Google Drive because they will not work properly in Google Slides. NOTE: these are very large files.
- Alfredo Jaar's Life Magazine (Martin Luther King's Funeral)
- Kerry James Marshall's Heirlooms and Accessories
OR, you can access online versions of the above slidedecks (without transitions or embedded videos) below:
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